opening: Monday to Saturday
Call us: +91 9526 066 656
e-mail: contact@bestlifecdc.in

About Us

About Us

Early childhood is the most critical time for positive intervention. Children’s development during this stage is strongly affected by their environment, and that effect continues to exert a strong influence on the rest of their lives.The main goal of child counselling is to use the knowledge and expertise of a trained child counsellor to calm your concerns and help your child get the help he/she needs to function properly. A child counsellor can provide both you and your child with the tools needed to deal with issues and any mental health condition in a healthy and productive way. More so, this specialist can help both you and your child navigate uncomfortable, scary, anxiety-provoking, and challenging times with less stress and turmoil. As a parent, you want nothing but health and happiness for your child, but sometimes situations occur that you simply can’t “fix” on your own – especially when you are as emotionally-invested in the situation as you are as a parent. That is when it’s best to lean on someone with expertise in the area.

Dedicated Professionals

The Bestlife Team of certified professionals who are passionate about emotional wellbeing and have a positive attitude towards building a Bestlife for themselves and for others.

Why choose us

Bestlife is a space for your mental health, family growth, and personal enhancement. We care for,

  • Child happiness & wellbeing

  • Family-oriented approach to growth & relationships

  • Supplement & enhance emotional intelligence

Who we are
  • Family oriented professionals

  • Certified & capable psychologists

  • 24/7 here for you

The Bestlife Team of certified professionals who are passionate about emotional wellbeing and have a positive attitude towards building a Bestlife for themselves and for others.

Meet Our Leadership


VK Shihab

Managing Director

Meet Our Team


Afsila JM

Special Educator

Sajina Sakesh

Office Assistant
